Wednesday, June 20, 2007

More freewriting-on homeschooling

Sorry if it doesn't make much sense!!! :)

Home schooling

I have been home school for a number of years. 10 to be exact. I'm not home schooled any more. I go to college. Well actually I just finished college. I preferred being home schooled it was a lot more fun and I didn't have to get up as early. Anyhow what else? well I think that home schooling is a great thing. It allows you to do all sorts of things that schooled kids don't get to do. For example music, lots of music and going out in the middle of the day to the shops (not that I did that often but I’m rallying my thoughts to think of something better without stopping) going to museums. My mum and little sisters went to the museum yesterday. Apparently it was fun. They got to mummify somebody. (Not a real person I presume) anyhow that was a bit off topic. Home schooling allows you to be more involved in your church. You can go to midday things for example funerals and weddings of the people in the church and you can visit people who are sick when no one else has time. You can also go on holiday when no one else is about which is quite cool because then you don't get stuck in traffic. Or in a queue to the places you want to visit. Home schooling is also good because it lets you grow in strength in the Lord before you are pushed into the world. Unlike school educated kids who get pushed into the world at three years old (not literally, it's what ever that other word is that I can’t think of right now) I know people say that it stops you witnessing when your young in school. But actually it doesn't really. As someone said you never pull someone up from sin, they pull you down. That’s what school does, it gradually make you more like itself. I admit that we should all be salt and light but we don't do that by expecting a three year old to stand the tide of an ungodly school but by gradually introducing them to the world, its temptations and what is good. Home schooling also makes you closer as a family it lets you learn together and you spend all your time together, your also not dependent on the company of other people outside you family.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I was just looking at a website/page and came across something called freewriting. It is, and I quote
" non-stop writing that is designed to uncover ideas. Freewriting is writing with the critic button disengaged. There are no rules or form to follow. You may change directions or subjects at whim. Freewriting may be focused on unfocused. Unfocused freewriting is like window shopping through your mind just to see what's in there at any given moment. You scout out the territory and if you don't find anything of value - no problem. If you do discover a potential idea, you can pause to examine it more closely or return to it later. Focused freewriting involves writing about a particular topic as a means of discovering what you already know or think about it." ( I did it for ten minutes on each of these subjects. You need to write for the whole ten minutes without stopping so it can include you wondering what else to write.

Here you go anyway. (I did spell check it to make it readable)


I have just finished college. I didn't really enjoy it although I sometimes wondered what I was doing there. I didn't like the subject I took which was the BTEC in Early Years. Not because I don't like children but because I just don't particularly like learning about them. I did lots of placement hours. 800 to be exact. They were sometimes quite interesting but other times they were really boring. What next. Well actually next I have thought of either getting a job or doing A levels in different subjects. Maths, biloogy and Physics and also Music. I really enjoy music. In fact that was one of the most enjoyable parts of my BTEC course. I could take my musical instruments into the schools and the children could watch my play them. They really enjoyed the accordion and started clapping to the beat totally unprovokedly. I can't think of anything else to write. No doubt something will come to me in time. It often happens like that. You feel you've come to a dead end and abracadabra you suddenly have an amazing idea. It's almost like it came out of nowhere. But it must have come out of somewhere mustn’t it, Probably from the creativity that is subconscious. And that most of the time you hardly ever realise is there. Anyhow I just went off on a total tangent. But it's very hard to write for ten minutes non stop without writing some total nonsense. I rather enjoy doing this I’ve never heard of it before but it really gives your brain a workout. It's a bit like going to a mind Gym. Oh 1 minute 20 seconds left. Well back to college. Apparently there is a presentation evening on Thursday. I'm not all that sure what it's about. Apparently it's something to do with the best person on the course or something.


I have no idea why i chose to write about toothbrushes. It was the first thing that came into my head. The reason for toothbrushes is to clean your teeth. It brushes them and brushes the dirt from them. Teeth can very very dirty. Probably through eating foods and through breathing through your mouth. Did you know that we all swallow about ten spiders in a year(or was it a life time, I can't remember) anyhow. Imagine the dirt that gets on your teeth through spiders crawling on them. Obviously now you can see a reason for brushing your teeth. Obviously also you can’t just use any old brush to brush your teeth. I mean a hair brush for example would not only be way to large to fit in your mouth but it would probably make it dirtier than before. Not if it was brand new of course but still. The first argument still stands. You also couldn’t use a brush and shovel brush. That would also be rather large for ones mouth. Having said which the prickle brush things would probably reach into your mouth. However I probably wouldn't enjoy that. It would probably hurt. I think that I'll stick to toothbrushes for my teeth. I don't really know what else to write I'm running out of things to say. But I must continue. Oh I've thought of something. If you don't brush your teeth they might go all rotten. And then you'd need to go to the dentists to get a filling. That would probably hurt a lot because they drill into your gum. I mean they do give you anaesthetic but still you probably feel them drilling. I don't really know because I've never had that experience. Perhaps that’s because I always brush my teeth or perhaps because I always use a toothbrush to brush my teeth instead of a hair brush. Or perhaps that’s got nothing to do with it. I will never know.